Prayer and Salvation... The end is nigh!
Lambasted, berated, praised, exalted,
Questioned, queried, joy, sadness, feelings, emotions,
Does is not it feel like sometimes life can only amount to here and now?
That nothing we do has a higher purpose,
That we are indeed a random set of coincidental occurrences in our initial forming,
Are we random pieces of a puzzle?
Do we have a preordained purpose or are we just the crude flesh,
Which we see in the mirrors that line the narrow halls of our minds,
Finitely closed, of which we are so caught up with?
Then something changes it all from being without direction to a sudden goal,
I saw that direction, that light, I lost it, and I found it again,
But it isn’t as bright as it use to be, there is so much between the light and I,
Too much darkness has crept in,
I struggle to reach that shore where the light stands,
But it seems impossible; the waves are too high,
And the storm darkens my way further,
The winds at my back howl like wolves,
Only turmoil is clear in its infinite unchanging chaos,
Even so my ship remains a stagnant beast.
The sins of man have separated us for too long from the maker,
We can’t find our way back to him, into the water I fall,
It is when I have lost all power over my life, You are strongest,
And I see You there, standing on the waters in the stormy night,
Like Peter, I feebly try to reach You; I rise from the water,
I walk upon it, but I hear the winds again and feel the rain,
I fall into the deep,
I am drowning; I try to reach the surface again, to reach You,
I can’t; the currents pull me further down, my lungs burn for air,
Am I dying? Have You forsaken me? Where are You?
I see You, but my vision tunnels, it is too dark to see You,
I am expiring, my arms and legs are numb, all becomes still,
The cold seeps in; my flame is nigh extinguished,
The random pieces that we are, we are lost, and we are alone
We think so, but we are not, Your hand rushes in, it clasps my own,
And it pulls me to the surface; I rise for an eternity,
An instant later, I’m standing with You,
I stand steady in Your embrace,
Have faith, You say I will never forsake You, I will always love You,
And this is his covenant with me,
In Christ
Tristan D.