Thursday, November 09, 2006

Back to Blogging

If you've faithfully checked my blog for updates, I applaud your commitment. I have been very far removed from the world of blogging of late. For many things have transpired over the last 6 weeks and now finally do I find myself with time to actually recount what has transpired.

I've moved out of my former living space and I've set up home in an apartment about a stone's throw away from there. My mum has been absolutely brilliant, she's furnished the place and it's really starting to feel like my home in Ipoh. And soon it will be like my home in Ipoh, once my goofy sister moves in... Haha!

As a show of solidarity my entire Youth Fellowship from Ipoh came down to help me move in. We had a whale of a time, playing twister, risk, playing games on the xbox.

In between all this fun was me frantically studying for my papers.

2 weeks before my math paper. I knew nothing, and the morning of my paper I was able to run circles around the math paper. All glory to God who is with me through all things. And strengthens me. He help me turn my life around. He made my life brand new. He gave me my new apartment. My everything. And I praise His holy name.

And consequently thanks to God and his Holy Spirit and my realisation that I was nothing without my Lord and Saviour.

I was able to persevere through my exams. Through the futility of my thought. Through the depression in my soul. He took away my pain. And He's given me a new life, with new people. A new home. And a return to His great and wonderful purpose.

9 years I stood apart from Him, wayward and lost. Trusting in my own strength and ignoring His call.

He finally broke me, he broke my spirit, he broke me and it hurt. He took from me something I thought I could not live without.

And He showed me, He was all I ever needed. All I ever wanted. His Spirit, is alive in me.
And I praise His Holy, Holy name.

Jehovah Jireh, my provider, Your grace is truly sufficient.

Thank You, I thank You for breaking me, I thank You for washing me pure of my sin and my guilt.

I am the Lord's servant.

So to all who read, I've changed and I glory in the Lord, I pray that His Spirit works in you. As it has in me.

In Christ

Tristan D.


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