I sigh, in a deep and profound manor... obviously
It the return to life I suppose... Gotta head back to life today... to monash... to other people... to responsiblity and stuff...
It's not really a bad thing I guess... but I've been at home for so so long... do I really want to go back...
ARGH!!! NO!!! LOL... I just want to stay at home and play WoW all day long...
I really wanna hit lvl 60... HUNTERS RULE...
so do pallies, priests and mages
but other than that you guys suck... yeah u shammies... and you warlocks... and youwarriors with your charge... stun lock the runner in WSG... argh... hate you... i like druids... except when it's a tauren... then well HORDE SUCK ASS!!!
Ok so sorry for the temporal lapse into the world of warcraft... I'm suffering already from withdrawal... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
My NE HUNTER ROCKS!!! She owns... pwn 2 priests the other day... both shadow... NOOBs...
This is a very very random post
This post does not accurately reflect the author's true nature. Or does it?
Anyway... I will be in KL tonight... I expect to be busy moving in 2moro and the day after...
I hope there aren't any tutes next week
Anyways love you lots (readers)
In Christ
Tristan D.