Who is Kerc?
My head hurts; the pain like a vice crushing my skull,
My eyes burn; like smouldering coals have been placed against my eyelids,
My lips are dry; all I drink turns to vinegar in my mouth,
My mind is dulled, my consciousness suppressed,
That sums how I feel at the moment, insanity and mind rot is creeping over me, sigh, no long winded poem tonight, just me and my somewhat dulled sense of humour, I can’t write a poem this night, no not this night, this night I shall be me, which me you wonder? The one buried beneath my defences, the savage beneath my facade, my alter ego, my Mr. Hyde. His name is Kerc.
Kerc was born on a night with no true distinguishable characteristics save, the moon was hidden behind the clouds, and the stars weren’t their brightest, and the rain poured it’s hardest. He was born out of necessity; born from my soul’s brief union with death. He rose from the tears that burned my pillow that night, from the anguish and pain that flowed like rivers from my heart.
He took up his residence within my mind, he became my friend; my brother. He told me the world would never hurt us that way again, he told me to close the gates around our heart, to never love again, to never feel again. We could nurture each other he promised. He promised we wouldn’t make the same mistakes.
But we did, we kept making those mistakes; he hasn’t kept his promise. He is the monster now, the snake that slithers through malice and enjoys wickedness. I loathe Him, yet more and more he comes to the surface.
Day and night we battle for supremacy, for dominance of this crude shell. I win most times. He is strong. But through Christ I am stronger. I must resist his evil; he must not enter this world. He is my Mr. Hyde.
In Christ
Tristan D.
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