Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Let Go

I was told the other day that I’ve grown too dark, (mentally)
That my mind is a dark and frightening place as if a void separated me from mankind, as if I were tormented by some unseen demons and that all that comes from it is filled with hate, anger, murder. As if all that I can think of is MDK… Murder Death Kill…
Ok those weren’t the words used… However that is the gist. Or at least the way I see it…

A friend wants me to talk about something ‘pretty’, it’s difficult for me. I am truly filled with a lot of negativity… I tried hard and I wrote this poem… It is the only hope in my life, a promise God made to me through his word, His salvation is free all I need is to have faith; there will always be hope because His grace is sufficient, He will always love me because in His eyes, I am His child. So this poem is about Him and for Him.

I love You Lord Jesus and I always will.

I know You love me too.

Title: Let Go

Let go of all that you know,
Of everything you hold close to your soul,
Be free of all control,
Release yourself into life’s living flow,

Let God’s hand be your guide,
His voice, your light,
Let your ears be your eyes for sight can lie,
Hear His word, know the truth,

Salvation is free, to all who believe,
Hope there is always, for His grace is sufficient,
And if a sparrow He can love and care for,
How much more you.

Before I knew Him, He knew me,
In my mother’s womb, He loved me,
He created me, I am unique,
He gave me my destiny,

He was there when I was born,
He brought me safely to this world
He was there when I first walked,
When I fell he picked me up,

He was there when I first spoke,
He was gladdest when I first praised,
When I did good, he blessed,
When I sinned, he forgave,

He promised to never forsake me,
To always to walk with me,
And He will be there when I die,
And then He will take me home.

In Christ

Tristan D.


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